The MACH 1 Universal Polymer Detection system offers a cost-effective alternative method of polymer detection for IHC laboratories (not available in the U.S.). Specifically titered for Biocare prediluted antibodies, MACH 1 provides superior staining and a reduced protocol time as compared to the conventional ABC system.
This new two-step, biotin-free technology uses a specific probe to detect mouse antibodies. The probe is followed by an HRP-polymer that binds to both the probe and to rabbit antibodies. Time consuming avidin-biotin and normal serum blocking steps are eliminated. The innovative HRP-polymer technology provides superior staining for mouse and rabbit antibodies when compared to ABC, biotin-streptavidin (BSA) and other polymer detection kits.
• Elimination of avidin-biotin and normal serum blocking steps
• Reduce protocol length by approximately 90 minutes compared to ABC method
• High value, cost-effective alternative to biotin-streptavidin or ABC detection
• Eliminates endogenous non-specific background staining
MACH 1 Detection

ABC kit on kidney (negative control) showing endogenous biotin staining following a 2-step, 50 minute procedure to remove endogenous biotin

Kidney (negative control) stained with MACH 1 showing no endogenous biotin staining. No avidin-biotin blocking procedure necessary
MACH 1 vs ABC: Comparable sensitivity in half the time

Tonsil stained with CD3 using ABC detection system

Tonsil stained with CD3 using MACH 1 detection