Webinar – 2022

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WEBINAR: ONCORE Pro X for research applications - june 15, 2022, 15.00 CET

ONCORE Pro X research slide stainer

Please join us for an introduction to the ONCORE Pro X, Biocare’s new fully open research instrument platform. This live training session will cover the hardware features of the ONCORE Pro X platform as well as the programming and operation of the ONCORE Pro X software. The ONCORE Pro X is the most open fully-automated research platform available on the market. Attendees will receive a tutorial on the unprecedented number of editing parameters users will have access to in order to program and run any number of specialized research protocols and reagents.

Register for the ONCORE Pro X Webinar

Webinar: UltraLine - Ready to use antibodies for roche benchmark - July 20, 2022, 15.00 CET

Biocare Medical is pleased to offer an informational webinar covering our specialized UltraLine reagent line. BenchMark ULTRA users may find Roche’s reagent catalog to be lacking certain markers or clones of interest, or they may be interested in purchasing the same clone for a lower price. While any vendor’s antibody could be loaded into a Roche prep kit, attendees will learn how the Biocare UltraLine is specially formulated to run with the Roche UltraView and OptiView detection kits to produce high-quality results. Training will cover UltraLine reagent optimization, loading and operation, and the current UltraLine catalog.

register for the ultraline webinar

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