High Quality Mouse Reactive antibodies in a variety of formats: ASR, IVD and RUO.
The ONCORE PRO X is a fully automated, fully open slide staining system allowing you to perform fully automated IHC, FISH & ISH; use Biocare’s advanced ready to use reagents or utilize third party probes. The ONCORE Pro X is founded on the principle of being fully open while allowing complete automation; every aspect if the instrument is fully open from the reagents you use to the protocols and steps you can create within its advanced software. Unlock your research potential with the ONCORE Pro X today!

The intelliPATH+ is the latest automated slide stainer from Biocare Medical for processing patient slides in anatomical pathology and histology laboratories. The intelliPATH+ is designed to perform reliable and consistent IHC staining, enabling easy transfer of established manual staining methods to an automated platform with minimal protocol optimization.
Biocare’s PromARK micro-polymer detection systems are designed specifically for use on animal tissues. The micro-polymer technology provides superior sensitivity and minimum cross-reactivity to endogenous mouse and rat IgG. The Promark product line includes specially formulated heat-retrieval solutions, blocking agents, and one- and two-step detection reagents.
The Mouse-on-Farma and Rabbit-on-Farma animal IHC detection polymers bring high staining sensitivity and specificity to bovine, equine, porcine and ovine tissues. Combine together for universal and simultaneous double stains, enabling multiple antibodies in unique colors on a single slide. This can be completed in approximately the same time as a single antibody stain.
Goat-on-Rodent Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) polymer has been developed for use with goat primary antibodies on mouse, rat and human tissues. Goat primary antibodies are advantageous because goat secondary detections display minimum cross-reactivity to endogenous mouse, rat and human IgG. Advantages of Biocare Medical’s biotin-free polymer technology are increased sensitivity, a reduction of IHC steps and elimination of endogenous biotin.
With this detection system, monoclonal antibodies bound to mouse antigens in mouse tissue can be detected with high specificity and sensitivity, while significantly reducing or eliminating background.
Rodent Block M
Rodent Block M is an immunohistochemical reagent designed for blocking endogenous mouse IgG and non-specific background in mouse tissues and red blood cells. Rodent Block M can be used with Mouse-on-Mouse,cells. Rodent Block M can be used with Mouse-on-Mouse, on-Mouse detection systems.
Rodent Block R
Rodent Block R is an immunohistochemical reagent designed for blocking endogenous rat IgG and non-specific background in rat tissues and red blood cells. After the application of Rodent Block R, a mouse monoclonal antibody can be applied.
XM Factor
The XM Factor is a potent blocker for eliminating endogenous mouse IgG in mouse tissues. It has been specially designed to work with Biocare’s Rabbit-on-Rodent and Goat Polymer detection systems.
XR Factor
The XR Factor is a potent blocker for eliminating endogenous rat IgG. By adding XR Factor to BIOCARE’s Mouse on Rat, Goat Polymer or Rabbit on Rodent polymer detection, endogenous rat IgG will dramatically be reduced or completely eliminated.
Mouse Detective is an immunohistochemical reagent designed for blocking endogenous mouse IgG in mouse tissues and red blood cells. After the application of mouse detective, a mouse monoclonal antibody can be applied followed by a biotinylated mouse link and Streptavidin label used for detection of mouse on mouse. It can also be used on an automated staining system.
Fluorescence antibody diluent is a modified PBS formulation with protein carrier and preservative. This ready-to-use modified PBS is formulated to deliver superior performance and signal preservation. The diluent is protease free and stabilizes fluorescent dyes for up to one month in a prediluted format.
Fluoro Care Anti-Fade Mountant
Fluoro Care Anti-Fade Mountant is an innovative, liquid-based, anti-fade mounting medium designed especially for the permanent preservation of fluorescent specimens. Fluoro Care is to be used with tissue sections stained with a multitude of fluorescent dyes. Fluoro Care is compatible with DyLightTM Fluors, Alexa Fluors®, fluorescein, rhodamine, Texas Red and stained specimens.
Fluoro Care Anti-Fade Mountant is an innovative, liquid-based, anti-fade mounting medium designed especially for the permanent preservation of fluorescent specimens. Fluoro Care is to be used with tissue sections stained with a multitude of fluorescent dyes.