Tired of Second Rate IHC Stains in Rodent Tissue? Save Time with these Secondaries!

Minimize Cross-Reactivity to Endogenous Mouse & Rat IgG

For researchers to understand disease development and effectively diagnose and treat diseases, research on animal tissues proves to be necessary.
Additionally, before new drugs are released to market for human use, regulatory bodies first require clinical trials on animals to assess toxicology
results and minimize any adverse reactions.

In research applications, rodents are the preferred models for preclinical studies, making rabbit antibodies the ideal selection to avoid any
endogenous IgG interactions. Biocare Rabbit-on-Rodent Polymer is specifically developed as the solution to inhibit non-specific staining. This
one-step polymer is intended for use with rabbit monoclonal/polyclonal antibodies on mouse and rat tissue, minimizing cross-reactivity to
endogenous mouse and rat IgG.

Primary Antibody Not Made
from a Rabbit?

With PromARK pre-adsorbed polymer system, you can detect mouse, rat, and goat
primary antibodies on rodent tissue with minimal to no background. While most scientific
approaches avoid using mouse antibodies on mouse tissue, utilizing Biocare Mouse-on-Mouse polymer in conjunction with Rodent Block M, you will notice a significant reduction
in non-specific IgG staining, making the methodology accessible and without limitation.

Utilizing Biocare Mouse-on-Mouse polymer in conjunction with Rodent Block M,
you will notice a significant reduction in non-specific IgG staining

Get the Results You Need with PromARK for Mouse, and Rat Tissues

With simultaneous multiplexing technology, detection of mouse and rabbit antibodies on mouse or rat tissue occurs more easily and quickly.
Mouse-&-Rabbit-on-Rodent Double Stain reduces staining time from 4-6 hours to approximately 2 hours by eliminating several steps: avidinbiotin blocking, elution, and sequential staining. This advanced micro-polymer technology provides simplified procedures, increased sensitivity, and virtually eliminates background staining. Potent blockers such as Rodent Block M or Rodent Block R eliminate endogenous mouse or rat IgG background for the most difficult of tissues, including lymph, spleen, lung, kidney, and liver

To learn more about PromARK Detection, contact one of our many in-house technicians and researchers to see how we can be of service in saving
you time in your research applications. Contact Biocare Medical today at 800-799-9499 or view more about our PromARK Detection online:
PromARK: www.biocare.net/products/promark
Mouse & Rabbit-on-Rodent Double Stain: www.biocare.net/product/mouse-rabbit-on-rodent-double-stain-polymer/